Solutions for Distributors

myCaribou for Distributors

Successful medical device, equipment and supplies distributors
grow faster with myCaribou


Find new suppliers and collaborate more effectively to accelerate your sales.

Find the right partners to drive growth.

Evaluate suppliers and match with ones that complement your existing product portfolio and call point synergies.

Company Fit

Narrow your partner search based on:

  • Company size
  • Geographic location
  • Years in business
  • Regulatory requirements
Product Alignment

Find suppliers that specialize in your product categories.

Call Point Synergies

Find suppliers with products your buyers can sell.

As a US government distributor, their ability to hone in on manufacturers / OEM’s that are looking to increase their footprint in the US government space has allowed my company to expand into new avenues of business.
Darla Halfarce, Metro Medical Equipment & Supply

Consistent, clear communication.

myCaribou’s workspaces enable real-time communication and collaboration between channel partners.

Business Plans

  • Align on realistic goals and KPIs.
  • Create scorecards to track execution.
  • View forecasted vs. actual revenue.

Quarterly Business Reviews
Facilitate QBRs built on partner commentary and data from your business plan.

Discussion Boards
Leverage discussion boards for real-time interaction between partners.

File Sharing
Store key documents in one secure location you and your partners can easily access.

Key Dates Calendar
Stay ahead of mutually important dates like RFP deadlines, tradeshow dates, and more.

Project Plans
Build project plans together with an easy-to-use planning tool.

Caribou | Medical Market Channel Optimization with Clear & Intuitive Dashboard and Reports

Actionable results.

Clear reporting and intuitive dashboards help you monitor, measure, and optimize channel performance for increased revenue.

Join myCaribou’s growing network of 40,000+ manufacturers and distributors in 125+ countries.

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